Monday, July 11, 2016

Christmas in July

My youngest sister, Marie, and her DH Rob came out today for a family visit.

She had told me she was bringing a box of balsa wood out that a friend had given her for me. Balsa's not my wood of choice but it can come in handy. BUT this is not balsa - it's basswood and lots of strip wood. LOTS of possibilities.

She also brought me all this wonderful fine brass ornaments. No specific plans for them yet but I'll think of something.

Already am hoping to find room for this in my Christmas shop. (That green piece at the bottom is where you stick a Christmas light through on the tree but I'll be removing that.)

She also brought me a necklace and earring set. The earrings aren't exactly my style but she suggested I could use them for small table tops. LOL

So it was a good day.

Joanne, Sunni and I are planning on going to see the Sherlock Holmes exhibit tomorrow and I have a Board meeting on Wednesday so may not have much of an opportunity to post till Thursday.


  1. what a haul, she is a very nice sister :)


    1. She's a wonderful sister! They all are.
      Hugs, Maureen

  2. I know it's July but I do love the spirit of Christmas...enjoy the items!

  3. I know it's July but I do love the spirit of Christmas...enjoy the items!
