Tuesday, June 23, 2015

MEE meeting - Election and Garage Sale

We had a very enjoyable final MEE meeting of the year tonight. (I say 'final' meeting but we have two workshops coming up over the summer: a chalk paint workshop on July 28 and a wigging workshop in August.) And, of course, we start up again in September.

Our nominating committee for the new executive did its usual great job and a new slate of officers (except the treasurer who has one year left on her term) was elected by acclamation. Joanne is our new president, I'm VP (not too sure how that happened LOL), Lucille stayed on as secretary, our former president is the workshop chairperson (something she has done informally for years). Sunni and Teresa d are the membership people.

One of Joanne's first items as president was to give Tina a free membership for the next year in thanks for all her efforts over the years. I seconded that and it passed unanimously. As well it should have!

The June MEE meeting is our 'garage sale' meeting. This year I actually put some things together for that! I had a bankers box of various things - mostly freebies - but some older bits and pieces of furniture that I was selling quite inexpensively. There were several things that I gave to Sunni for her Children's Table at the show and sale.

I didn't have a great deal of cash on me but it worked out well. Between the things I sold and the discount that Rosalle gave members, I could buy these things and still come home with something in my purse.

Rosalle had two beautiful afghans that she was selling:

Absolutely fell in love with these! $21.25 regular...but I got them for 25% off!!!

Lorry had a big container of these hairpins. I know I've seen a use for these someplace although I can't remember where or when....but I took a bunch of them anyway....Maybe I'll remember at some point.

For 25 cents each, the macrame plant holders can stay in my stash for awhile!
BUT this beautiful paper tole picture (1 3/4" square)  was made by the late Jessie Schafer, a former member of MEE. I am thrilled to have it. I definitely feel a second Art Gallery coming on!

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