Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Containers for scenes part 3

This is one of my favourite pieces. The container is a nine section display case with a plexiglass front that I bought at Michael's almost 10 years ago. Unfortunately I've not seen another one there in recent years.

Each of the sections represents a period/activity in my Mom's life. I made this for her for her 79th birthday.

1. The calendar marks her birthday. The top two pictures are of Mom and Dad in their WWII uniforms. Their wedding certificate. A picture of my sisters and me. An old fashioned radio. The china (American Beauty) that Dad bought for her. the Texaco sign representing Dad's service station in Fairview.

2. The washboard and flat iron. The treadle sewing machine and dress representing all the clothes she sewed for us.

3. Pictures from hunting and fishing. Camp stove, sleeping bag, fishing rod and rifle.

4. Making homemade wine, canning and Mom's baking from what my BIL called the "Sunnyside Bakery", a reference to their address at the time.

5. Gardening things and the wind chimes Dad used to make.

6. Darts and dart trophy, floor curling, crib board and cards, chair and book.

7. Travel: motor home, map, Canadian flag, suitcase, pottery, God's eye, Mexican vanilla.

8. Garage sale: Mom was well known for her annual garage sale. (Each item is priced - something she  insisted on - but she said my prices were too high and she would have left without buying. LOL)

9. Christmas: If they were in Arizona for Christmas, we would have a second Christmas in the spring when they returned home.

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